Monday, April 7, 2014

Feeling sheepish

I've been looking at Henry Moore drawings, always loved his sheep. So...trying to get in touch with my inner Yorkshire self, I set about with pen and ink to draw some of the locals. Despite being Derbyshire sheep I think we made good progress.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Taking the cows to market

Two craft stall opportunities in one week! The University of Sheffield had a week of the Art of Work and invited creative types to have a stall one evening. I shared my stall with two other library staff (what a creative lot we are) and had a great evening. It was lovely to see other University staff and their creative efforts, ranging from photography, jewellery and baking.

This weekend the local Guides were having a coffee morning and invited us to sell crafts to raise funds for daughter's Guide trip in summer 2015. A completely different demographic but equally fun to do. 

 The 'Totes Amaze Bags' sold really well at the Guide coffee morning.