Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stitch Stories

Last week I was mostly taking embroidered art to be shown in Bank Street Arts 'Embroidered Narratives" exhibition. Opening event (Facebook)

I submitted two pieces, and was delighted to have them both accepted. The brief was to submit contemporary "illustrative" textiles, representative, or abstract.

In the work ‘Protected‘ I wanted strong graphical representation of women, with the overlaying figure subtly overseeing and encircling in a protective way. On display but in control.  

The work ‘Reflection’ is taken from a sketch of a male model, but I aimed for an androgynous and anonymous representation of the figure. 

Bank Street Arts will be hosting an open afternoon for Embroidered Narratives on Friday 13th July, between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. All welcome. Cafe Juniper will be open for tea and cake

The exhibition runs from 02/07/2012 - 31/09/2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two shows, two countries

Lyn's photo - you can see my dog and Leanne's hills
Recently I have shown work in Portugal and Sheffield. claim I have shown work in Portugal is a little bit of a blag. My friend Lyn did an artists residency in Portugal, and had this cool idea of a post card exchange. We received three handmade postcards, and three blank postcards to send back with images of what was around us in return. We managed to return two cards as there were only two of us around, and dutifully posted to Portugal. These featured as a very small part of Lyn’s excellent looking end of residency show. 
The Sheffield show was rather interesting. At the University where I work, the Physics and Astronomy department have an annual show, and invited participants from the wider University community. They emptied out a lab, and displayed a variety of creative offerings from University staff. A very mixed bag of work, the photography being the strongest pieces IMHO, I guess physicists are pretty familiar with using high tech pieces of equipment such as cameras. 

Clare and myself represented the library very capably, and appeared to drag a fair few of our colleagues into the exhibition. Clare is currently promoting her book, check out the progress on Twitter:!/5pigeonspress/ 

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Pad

I got one of them new fangled pads, beginning with i, took it to life drawing, and enjoyed not getting compressed charcoal ground into my hands, or not possibly spilling ink onto the carpet.

I like how I can now edit it, change the colours, change the back ground, change the scale. It will only print out in A4 however, any larger and the image gets a bit pixillated. Not sure how David Hockney does it, but for a first attempt, I was fairly happy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Feeling Blue

On the blue theme - off to life drawing, first time for 18 months, eek, very nervous. New class, new tutor, new other life drawers. Which end of the pen do I put in the ink again?

After a few warm ups, which are traditionally my best work, it's back to the ink. Opps, what I thought was black ink turns out to be blue. Oh well, I pass it off as creative and interesting (hopefully)

After a few nervous scribbles, all appears to be well. I relax and have a very enjoyable drawing session. Fantastic to be so creative mid week.